Bath - bathtub
dutbin - trash can
tap - faucet
The Cinema - The movies
first floor - second floor
Lift - elevator
Reception - front desk
sweet shop - candy store
Torch - flashlight
wardrobe - closet
Toilet - restroom
Trolley - Cart
Washbasin - sink
A mark - A grade
Holiday - vacation
Headmater - Principial
Maths - math
Full stop - period
Primary school - Elemantry school
Aubergine - Eggplant
beetroot - beet
Biscuit - cookie
chips - french fries
Fairy cake - cup cake
Flan - Fruit pie
Jug - Pitcher
maize - corn
rubber - Eraser
spring onions - green onions
Tin - can
clothes peg - clothespin
Wellington boots - Rubber boots