Evening had fallen across the land. Sir Adi, Dame Sofia and Sir Thomas were suffering from empty stomachs and sore feet. The trio were brave knights who, having travelled all day, needed somewhere to stop for the night.
By chance, they found a village tucked away in the shadow of a tall, dark mountain.
As they walked into the village, they noticed how the dark mountain loomed over everything. Although the street lights glowed, there was no one in sight. Each building had its doors and windows locked, and curtains had been drawn tight. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:11 | Skatīts: 52x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
‘I want a baby,’ Aadab demanded one day, ‘and I want a baby now. I'm young and beautiful, and I'm married. I need a baby before I'm too old and past my prime.’
Her husband, Arinjay, sighed a deep sigh. ‘You can’t always get what you want,’ he said.
‘But I want it now!’ she screamed.
Eventually, Arinjay relented and the couple tried for a baby. For years they tried but nothing happened. Every day – morning, noon and night – they prayed to the gods. They also prayed to the local snake charmer, who was considered a holy man, influenced by the gods, but still there was no baby. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:11 | Skatīts: 68x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Once upon a time, there was a struggling trader. He lived with his daughter, Beauty, in a small village in France. He left their home for a business trip, leaving Beauty behind. Coming back, he had to pass through a dark forest. As he was tired, he looked for a place to sleep.
He came across an enchanted castle and knocked on the door. There was no answer. The trader crept inside and found that the castle was empty. However, there was a table covered with dishes of food and a large, comfortable bed. After eating a full meal, he curled up in the bed and went straight to sleep. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:10 | Skatīts: 52x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Ants don’t have ears or noses, and even though they have mouths, they cannot speak. Instead, they have two long feelers on their head called antennae. These antennae are fantastic little tools that are very important in an ant’s daily life. Ants use them to pick up smells, to feel vibrations through the ground and to communicate with others.
Ants hardly ever sleep. Instead, they have little ‘power naps’ that last only a few minutes at a time. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:09 | Skatīts: 43x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Aharsi, the big Bengal tiger, was having a good think. It was winter and he was still getting used to the feeling of ice on the pads of his paws. He shivered a little, missing the warm ooze of mangrove mud.
Aharsi was missing lots of things. He missed the way the sun made his coat glow a regal orange, or how the glare of midday brightness made his black stripes look so bold and striking like black lightning bolts. He missed dozing in the evening heat and catching the last shafts of sunlight as they cut through the jungle vines. He wondered if he would ever again hear Doyel birds chattering in the trees, or catch the scent of ripe mangoes on the breeze. It was these fleeting, poignant moments that the Bengal tiger was trying so hard to picture in his mind. Aharsi missed his home. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:08 | Skatīts: 45x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Aharsi, the big Bengal tiger, was having a good think. It was winter and he was still getting used to the feeling of ice on the pads of his paws. He shivered a little, missing the warm ooze of mangrove mud.
Aharsi was missing lots of things. He missed the way the sun made his coat glow a regal orange, or how the glare of midday brightness made his black stripes look so bold and striking like black lightning bolts. He missed dozing in the evening heat and catching the last shafts of sunlight as they cut through the jungle vines. He wondered if he would ever again hear Doyel birds chattering in the trees, or catch the scent of ripe mangoes on the breeze. It was these fleeting, poignant moments that the Bengal tiger was trying so hard to picture in his mind. Aharsi missed his home. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:08 | Skatīts: 45x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Yasin’s family moved from Iraq to England when he was just a young boy. Yasin did not want to leave his home in Samarra but his father said that it was best for the family because it was not safe to live there anymore and he wanted his son to grow up in a country that was accepting of all people. Yasin’s father told his son that England was a multicultural country where people lived and worked together regardless of race or religious beliefs. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:07 | Skatīts: 47x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Adam lived in a small village in the south of Poland near to the big city of Krakow. Adam’s favourite part of the day was dinner time. Not because his mother made the best food in the whole world, but because, at dinner time, the whole family would sit around the television and watch the news. No school lesson could compare to the stories Adam watched on the news: exotic looking people from different cultures, natural disasters in countries he had never visited and insights into the coolest celebrities and their extraordinary lives. It was one such story that changed Adam’s life forever ...
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Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:06 | Skatīts: 45x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Harjit Singh sat on the bench by the carousel at the airport, waiting for his suitcase to arrive. He was tired and cold and wasn’t used to this weather. In Amritsar, where he came from in India, it was thirty-seven degrees! In Paris, it was just fourteen degrees.
His father called out to him: ‘Hurry up, Harjit! The driver can't wait for much longer just for you!’
Harjit was a little upset. He didn't want ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:06 | Skatīts: 45x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
The camel and the fox were very good friends and very good thieves. One day, the two friends decided to cross the river so that they could travel to a nearby farm to steal food. The small fox could not swim so the camel said to his friend, ‘Climb up onto my back and I will swim across the river.’
And so the fox climbed up onto the camel’s back and the strong camel swam across the river to the other side.
When they had crossed the river, the camel and the fox made their way to the farm. When they finally arrived at the farm, the fox caught herself a chicken while the camel dug up some lovely fresh vegetables. ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-25 18:05 | Skatīts: 49x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe