Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

 Latviski По русский In English

The Kinds of sentences (secondary parts of the sentences and principial parts of sentences)

Secondary parts of sentences is:

The Object; The Attribute; The Adverbial Modifiers

Principial parts of sentences is:

The Subject; The Predicate


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Teikuma veidi

simple unextended (vienkārši nepaplašināti teikumi)

I live. They live.

simple extended (vienkārši paplašināti teikumi)

Tom learns English words every day.

Compound nouns:

We work and We help others

complex sentences:

They told that they were clever.


declerative sentence (stāstījuma teikumi)

Riga is bigger than Rezekne.

Interrogative sentences:

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