Weather is never used with the indefinite article:
What is nice weather!
As an abstract noun weather usually does not take an article:
He stays indoors in wet weather.
The people put clothes in cold weather.
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:29 | Skatīts: 122x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Most boys like to play ball.
Most of the boys like to play ball.
This is a most useful book. (a very useful book)
they were most kind to me. ( very kind)
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:25 | Skatīts: 113x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Last means pagajušais (-ā):
Last year, last month, last lesson.
The last means pēdējais (-ā):
The last week of August was sunny and warm.
The Last month of the year is December.
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:21 | Skatīts: 105x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Next, the next
Next week, next month, next spring
The next mans tuvakais sekojošais, tuvākais:
The next room
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:18 | Skatīts: 111x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Little with a singular noun means (maz):
I have very little time for reading.
A liitle means mazliet:
The little means tas mazais daudzums,kas...:
Be cereful with the little money you have.
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:17 | Skatīts: 111x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Few with a plural noun means maz:
few people, few words, few mistakes, few plants
A few means (daži, nedaudz):
A few minutes were left.
We had a few mistakes.
The few means tie (tās) nedaudzie (-ās), kas...,tas nelielais skaits, kas ...:
... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-07-04 15:02 | Skatīts: 110x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
Ar īpašvārdiem |
Inta lives in Riga |
Ar uzrunu |
come here, boy |
| ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-18 15:43 | Skatīts: 98x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
1. Ar lietvārdiem, kas jau ir minēti vai zināmi, kā vienskaitlī, tā arī daudzskaitlī!
2. Ar mūzikas inštrumentiem Do you play the piano? |
| ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-18 15:37 | Skatīts: 53x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe
a |
an |
pirms lietvārda, kas sākas ar līdzskani a bird, a day, a picture |
| ... |
Komentāri (0) | 2020-06-18 15:26 | Skatīts: 60x Ieteikt draugiem TweetMe