Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

 Latviski По русский In English

Number (skaitlis)

-s -ss -sh -ch -x and -z form their plural.

buses; glasses; brushes; watches; boxes; prizes

by ading -s in Singular

day - days

mother - mothers

Nouns with ending in -o (Lietvārdi kas beidzas ar -o) add - es in the Plural (pievieno -es daudzskaitlim).

hero- heroes

potato - potatoes

tomato - tomatoes

Nouns ending in - y (lietvārdi kas beidzas ar -y ) changed to - i and add -es (nomaina uz - i un pievieno -es).

city - cities


But Nouns with -y preceded by a vowel (patskani) add - s in the plural  

day - days

boy - boys

ray - rays

Some nouns ending in - f or - fe change to - v and add -es in the plural.

leaf - leaves

life - lives

half - halves


A few nouns form their plural by changing the root vowel (mainot saknes patskani)

man - men

woman - women

tooth - teeth

foot - feet

mouse - mice

Compounds with man change to men in the plural:

postman - postmen

workman - workmen

snowman - snowmen

Englishman - Englishmen


Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-18 15:05  |  Skatīts: 55x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe   
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