Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

 Latviski По русский In English

Tieša un netieša runa


Direct speech  Indirect speech
here there
this that
these those
now then, at the time
today that day
yesturtday the day before
ago before
last night the previous night
tomorrow the next day (following) day


Direct speech  Indirect speech
present simple past simple
Present perfect past perfect
past continuos past continuos
past perfect past perfect
future continuos future continuos in the past
future perfect future perfect in the past
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-04-27 17:56  |  Skatīts: 63x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe   
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