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Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

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Lasīšana NR.30

"Come on! You didn't even—"

"Absolutely not," Easton kept walking with Penelope following her like a newborn hippogriff.

She groaned in exasperation, "Why are you always like this?"

The Hufflepuff had almost bumped into Easton when she suddenly stopped.

"Like what?" her blue eyes were glaring murderously, left brow lifted as if daring Penny to continue.

And she did. Sometimes Easton wondered why she hadn't been sorted into Gryffindor instead, for Penelope Abbott was thick-headed, opinionated and, for the lack of a better word, an attention whore, "Pretty please?" she pouted.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:15  |  Skatīts: 47x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.29

A/N: WOW SO MANY REVIEWS, GUYS! MERLIN! I'm so so sooo glad that you're liking the story so far! Can't wait for you to see what happens next! *sinister laughter* (Just kidding. Or am I?)

Ok, so this a bit of a 'filler' chapter. It's short and isn't really important for the plot but I really wanted to write some SiriusxEaston interaction, so there's that! The next few chapters will be longer and a tad darker...

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:13  |  Skatīts: 68x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.28

 THE SUN WAS SHINING HIGH in the cloudless azure sky but its rays no longer brought the delightful sense of warmth, instead almost mocking you with the beautiful illusion.

Autumn was at its peak, mercilessly shredding the old, noble oaks of their emerald coats and turning the leaves into an equally mesmerizing golden carpet. On it, underneath one of the mighty trees, sat Easton. She seemed to be deep in thought while mindlessly petting Fawlty, who sat comfortably on her thighs enjoying the ministrations. 

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:12  |  Skatīts: 50x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.27

EASTON WASN'T THE BRIGHTEST WITCH OF HER AGE and she never claimed to be one. Even if she did, no one would have believed her, for she continuously failed in all her subjects and had barely passed her O.W.Ls with only 2 O's (Muggles Studies and Divination in which Easton excelled thanks to her vivid imagination and a knack for acting).

And seeing as she didn't have it in her grand plans to become the brightest witch of her age anytime

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:12  |  Skatīts: 70x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.26

EASTON GREENGRASS DIDN'T HAVE MANY FRIENDS. In fact, she really only had one and hearing Penelope humming one of Celestina Warbeck's "hits" now made her wonder if their friendship was ever true at all.

They were in the library sitting on the floor between the Herbology and the Charms sections, killing time before the next period and eating away the muggle candy Penny's mother had sent her the previous morning. Neither of the two girls dared disturb the blissful peace each absorbed into their own thing: the cheery Hufflepuff was reading another magazine snuggled in the corner of the aisle while Easton was mindlessly sketching Sirius's aristocratic profile in her notepad.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:11  |  Skatīts: 44x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.25

 WHEN OPHELIA GREENGRASS SAW her daughter's bright red hair, she almost had a fit, and and Easton would've lied had she said that it wasn't the reaction she'd initially anticipated, or rather gone for.

Her father, on the other hand, only gave Easton a probing once-over, looked her straight in the eyes, pursed his thin lips in a highly unimpressed manner and then left without saying another word, leaving his wife to deal with the rebellious teenager herself. And deal she did though unsuccessfully.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:09  |  Skatīts: 50x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.24



Easton Greengrass wasn't ambitious. Easton Greengrass wasn't cunning. Easton Greengrass lacked any sense of self-preservation in every meaning there was (she came close to killing herself during Potions on numerous occasions).

See, Easton Greengrass wasn't many things, much to her parents' dislike, and, oh dear Merlin, she most definitely wasn't a Slytherin. However, funnily enough, this little fact didn't prevent the Sorting Hat from putting her in the House that embodied everything Easton Greengrass wasn't, and everything her family hoped she would eventually become. Which she didn't.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:08  |  Skatīts: 49x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.23

Not all children who grow up inside a culture are completely influenced by that culture. Some young people find that they are more interested in nature or the culture of other people at a very young age.

The most famous painter in Victoria's history is Emily Carr. She was born in 1871 and, as a child, she discovered that walking in the woods appealed more to her than playing with other children. She discovered that she was more interested in 

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:03  |  Skatīts: 47x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.22

You have read about Romulus and Remus whose culture shock came when they went back to the world of human beings after being raised by a wolf. Tarzan's culture shock came when he discovered that he was not a "white ape" but a human being. Emily Carr preferred the culture of the First Nations people and the life she led on her explorations to the dresses and polite conversations of her own culture. You now know that First Nations culture did not include school or even business activity, people spent most of their time in nature or around the fire of their home talking, telling stories and making the things they needed to survive.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:02  |  Skatīts: 49x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.

Lasīšana NR.21

As Andrea turned off the motorway onto the road to Brockbourne, the small village in which she lived, it was four o'clock in the afternoon, but already the sun was falling behind the hills. At this time in December, it would be completely dark by five o'clock. Andrea shivered. The interior of the car was not cold, but the trees bending in the harsh wind and the patches of yesterday's snow still heaped in the fields made her feel chilly inside. It was another ten miles to the cottage where she lived with her husband Michael, and the dim light and wintry weather made her feel a little lonely. She would have liked to listen to the radio, but it had been stolen from her car when it was parked outside her office in London about two weeks ago, and she had not got around to replacing it yet.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 20:01  |  Skatīts: 45x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

Lasīt tālāk.