Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

Kursor.1s.lv Labākai angļu valodas attīstīšanai

 Latviski По русский In English

Frāzes NR.9

Are you religious? Vai tu esi reliģiozs/a?
No, I'm … Nē, es esmu …
an atheist ateists/e
agnostic agnostiķis
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:22  |  Skatīts: 46x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.8


Are you a student? Vai tu esi students/e?
What do you study? Ko tu mācies?
I'm studying … Es mācos …
history vēsturi
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:20  |  Skatīts: 45x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.7


What do you do? Ar ko tu nodarbojies?
What do you do for a living? Ar ko tu nodrošini sev iztiku?
What sort of work do you do? Kāda veida darbu tu dari?
What line of work are you in? Kādā sektorā tu strādā?
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:18  |  Skatīts: 40x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.6


What do you like doing in your spare time? Ko tev patīk darīt brīvajā laikā?
I like … Man patīk …
watching TV skatīties televizoru
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:13  |  Skatīts: 43x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.5


Do you have any brothers or sisters? Vai tev ir brāļi, vai māsas?
Yes, I've got … Jā, man ir …
a brother brālis
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:12  |  Skatīts: 43x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.4

What languages can you speak? Kādas valodas tu proti?
I speak … Es protu …
French, Spanish, and a little Russian franču, spāņu un nedaudz krievu valodu
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:10  |  Skatīts: 45x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes NR.3


What's your name? Kā tevi sauc?
My name's … Mani sauc …
Chris Kriss
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:08  |  Skatīts: 46x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes angļu valodā NR.2


How are you? Kā tev iet?
How's it going? Kā klājas? (neformāli)
How are you doing? Kā iet? (neformāli)
How's life? Kā iet pa dzīvi? (neformāli)
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:05  |  Skatīts: 39x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Frāzes Angļu valodā NR.1

Help! Palīgā!
Be careful! Esi uzmanīgs!
Look out! vai watch out! Uzmanies!
Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-23 21:03  |  Skatīts: 44x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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Lasīšana NR.13

Do you believe that a kilogram of carrots could cost $10,000? My carrots cost me that much last year. Last summer I had to completely renovate my kitchen and it was all because of a bunch of carrots. The story begins with my picking twelve carrots from my vegetable garden and ends with my getting a new kitchen.

I have a vegetable garden and every summer I enjoy eating my own vegetables. One day last summer I picked a dozen carrots. Usually, as soon as I have picked the carrots, I clean the dirt off them by rinsing them in a bucket of water. I keep a full bucket of water beside the garden just for this purpose. But this day, as I was getting up from the ground with my twelve carrots, I tripped and fell over the bucket. The water spilled out of the bucket and went all over my feet. I ran into the house to change my shoes and socks. When I was finally dry and clean, I realized that I had very little time to make dinner. The carrots were part of dinner, so I decided to wash the carrots quickly in the kitchen sink. The carrots were covered in a large amount of dirt from the garden. I put the carrots in the sink, rinsed them with water, and watched all the dirt wash away down the drain.

Komentāri (0)  |  2020-06-22 21:16  |  Skatīts: 45x         Ieteikt draugiem       TweetMe        Dalīties

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